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ADB – Asian Development Bank


​The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank established on 19 December 1966, which is headquartered in the Ortigas Center located in the city of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. The company also maintains 31 field offices around the world to promote social and economic development in Asia.

Source: ADB Projects

Tags: Multilateral, Government Announcement, Public Procurement, Infrastructure, Construction



Scrapper uses ADB Projects page to get a list of all projects listed there. Scrapper goes through all the pages for each project, collecting all the data and stores it in a single CSV. This CSV is stored in the bucket.


Currency conversion, handling null values, removing duplicate entries, timestamp formatting, and sector & subsector cleaning is done.​


Coordinates are added to the metadata for the country. Region and region codes are also appended. The Geocoder library is used for getting coordinates. We also have a separate JSON file for the country’s coordinates to avoid calling a third-party library to make the geocoding process more efficient and faster.


Additional information like sample frequency, units, source and description are included in the metadata. Predefined sectors and subsectors are added in this step.


Metadata contains timestamp(approval date) range, sectors, subsectors and country codes. And is also stored in the s3 bucket.


Metadata and project data are ingested into an Elastic Search cluster. Index created based on fields - sector, subsector, map coordinates.


Metadata Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
original_id ID given by
name Name of the Project represented in the data point
project_number Unique number assigned to a project
country Place of performance - Country
project_status Status of Project provided by ADB
project_type_or_modality_of_assistance Project type as categorised by ADB and its modality
impact Impact of project
description Project description
project_rationale_and_linkage_to_country_or_regional_strategy Context and reason for the project
gender_equity_and_mainstreaming Project's gender equity. Projects involving gender equity directly address gender equality and women's empowerment
strategic_agendas Strategic agenda of the project as specified by ADB
drivers_of_change ADB identified drivers of change in the project
sector_and_subsector Sector and Subsector for the project as categorized by ADB
sector Sector based on ADB categorization
subsector Subector based on ADB categorization
budget Total Amount or Investment Amount
url Link to project page
environment The manner in which the project will affect the environment
involuntary_resettlement Whether or not the project requires the involuntary resettlement of people
indigenous_peoples The manner in which the project will affect indigenous peoples
summary_of_environmental_and_social_aspects Summary of all environmental and social aspects of the project
environmental_aspects Summary of all environmental aspects of the project
stakeholder_communication_participation_and_consultation Details regarding how people affected by the project will be/were consulted during the project
concept_clearance Concept clearance for the project
credit_committee_meeting Credit Committee Meeting
approval Approval date
pds_creation_date Project Data Sheet creation date
last_pds_update Date when the PDS was last updated
description_of_outcome Description of project outcomes
progress_toward_outcome Progress towards project outcomes
description_of_project_outputs Description of project outputs
status_of_implementation_progress_outputs_activities_and_issues Summary of project Outputs, Activities and Issues
geographical_location The location in which the project is being implemented
during_project_design Details regarding how people affected by the project will be/were consulted during the design
during_project_implementation Details regarding how people affected by the project will be/were consulted during the implementation
consulting_services Consulting entities, such as individual consultants, companies, universities and non-government organizations engaged by ADB for the project
procurement Procurement notices
responsible_adb_officer ADB officer responsible for the project
responsible_adb_department ADB departmenet responsible for the project
responsible_adb_division ADB division responsible for the project
executing_agencies government/non-government agencies that are working with ADB to implement the project or program
mrm Management Review Meeting date
status Status of the project as identified by ADB
approval_date Approval date
approval_year Approval year
country_name Place of performance - Country Name
country_code Place of performance - Country Code (ISO3)
region_name Place of performance - Region Name
region_code Place of performance - Region Code (ISO3)
project_or_tender Label for Project or Tender
source Source Name Abbreviation
aug_id Unique ID generated for identification of the project
map_coordinates Map Coordinates in decimal degrees
identified_sector Identified Sector
identified_subsector Identified Subsector
identified_sector_subsector_tuple Identified Subsector
identified_status Identified Status

Data Flow

The above data pipeline runs on Argo and it will be executed on a biweekly frequency.


  • ADB: Total No of DAGs file is 1

Scope for Improvement

The following can be improved in the next version of the data product: - In future, we might want to improve it to only scrap the data that we don’t already have.
