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AFDB - African Development Bank


The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction.

The Bank Group achieves this objective by:

  • mobilizing and allocating resources for investment in RMCs; and
  • providing policy advice and technical assistance to support development efforts.

In 2015, all multilateral development institutions agreed on the same set of objectives, called the Sustainable Development Goals.

Source: AFDB Projects

Tags: Multilateral, Government Announcement, Public Procurement, Infrastructure, Construction ​



Scrapper uses the AFDB Projects page to get a list of all projects listed there. It also scrapes the geospatial data. Scrapper goes through all the pages for each project, collecting all the data and stores it in a single CSV. This CSV is stored in the bucket.


Currency conversion, handling null values, removing duplicate entries, timestamp formatting, and sector & subsector cleaning is done.​


Additional information like sample frequency, units, source and description are included in the metadata. Predefined sectors and subsectors are added in this step.


Metadata contains timestamp(approval date) range, sectors, subsectors and country codes. And is also stored in the s3 bucket.


Metadata and project data are ingested into an Elastic Search cluster. Index created based on fields - sector, subsector, map coordinates.


Metadata Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
original_id Original ID used by source
name Name of the Project represented in the data point
url Link to project page
description Project description
status Status of the project as identified by AFDB
development_objective The project development objective
benefits The benefits of the proposed project and its beneficiaries
rational The rationale for the project
source_of_financing Financing sources working with AFDB
sector Sector based on AFDB categorization
country_name Place of performance - Country Name
approval_date Approval date
budget Budget of the project calculated using financial details of the project
implementing_agency Implementing agency of the project
currency Currency
task_manager Task Manager for the project at AFDB
location Place of performance - Location
closing_date Closing Date
environmental_category Environmental category as identified by AFDB
last_update_date Last Update Date
project_or_tender Label for Project or Tender
aug_id Unique ID generated for identification of the project
approval_year Approval Year
subsector Subector based on AFDB categorization
country_code Country Code
region_name Region Name
region_code Region Code
total_investment Total Investment in the project calculated using financial details of the project
source Source
identified_sector Identified Sector
identified_subsector Identified Subsector
identified_sector_subsector_tuple Identified Subsector
map_coordinates Map Coordinates in decimal degrees
identified_status Identified Status

Data Flow

The above data pipeline runs on Argo and it will be executed on a daily frequency.


  • AFDB: Total No of DAGs file is 1

Scope for Improvement

The following can be improved in the next version of the data product:

  • In future, we might want to improve it to only scrap the data that we don’t already have.