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FRED Resin Prices



FRED Resin Prices get all relevant series to resin and polyethylene from FRED database, and lists all daily, weekly, monthly, annual series. FRED is an online database that contains information on various categories and series from all over the world. Started in 1990, allows data access through an API available on the website.



Scraping module fetches the required series using a keyword value, in this case resin, ang gets all series relevant to that keyword and saves them in a s3 bucket.


Cleaning module ckecks for duplicate values and removes them if any, also saving the resultant csv in a s3 bucket


Used to standardize the data according to Taiyo standards. Introduces new fields and improves the visibility of previously inserted fields. Adds domain, subdomain, souce, date_of_sampling, time_of_sampling and also improves the timestamp field.


A unique ts_ref_id is assigned to each series and the data is saved for the final time in the s3 bucket.

Data Format

Field Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
ts_ref_id unique value to make querying easier
value value assigned by the respective series
timestamp Time of trade as reported by the reporter country
domain Field of data determined by Taiyo standards
subdomain The type in which the data fits in
sample_frequency Frequency at which data is collected
url address from which the data was imported
original_id ID assigned to the series by FRED
name Name of the respective series
source From where the data was fetched
time_of_sampling time at which the data was inserted
date_of_sampling date at which the data was inserted

Data Flow

Taiyo Data Format

Entity FRED Resin
Frequency Monthly, Quarterly, Annual
Updated On 23-06-2022 UTC 06:42:59 AM
Coverage 70+ series

Scope of Improvement

  • More categories can be added, and subsequently the number of series can be increased