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Google Mobility Index


As the world responds to COVID-19, Public health officials believe that -aggregated, anonymized insights used in products like Google Maps could be useful in making critical decisions to combat COVID-19. These Community Mobility Reports seek to provide insights as to what has changed in response to COVID-19-fighting policies.

The reports track movement trends by geographic location across different place types, such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential

Source: Google Mobility Index

Tags: - Supply Chain, Time series, Mobility Index, Daily



Scrapper gets the community mobility report that is provided by Google. This data is scrapped using python libraries and stored in a csv.


In the cleaning stage, it is checked if the data has any duplicate values and if found are dropped. Also, the date feature is converted to Unix timestamp format.


Features such as country, country code, source url, city, etc are added to provide more information about the data


Coordinates are added to the metadata for the country/state/city-level location. The Geocoder library is used for getting coordinates.


Metadata and mobility index data are ingested in the mongoDB and the latest timestamp id (mongoDB id for latest timestamp) is appended to metadata for decreasing the search for the latest data point

Data Format

Timeseries Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
timestamp standard timestamp used for the time series

Meta Data

Attributes Descriptions
original_id Unique ID for every field
aug_id ID generated for unique identification
sample_frequency Frequency on which the data gets updated at source
name Name of time-series
description Information about data
units Unit of measurement used in data
source Source Abbreviation
url Website from which data is taken from
domain Supply chain
sub_domain Mobility index
country Names of countries present in data
country_code Codes assigned to countries as per the ISO 3166 alpha 3 standards
region region for a country according to World Bank Standards
region_code region code for a region according to World Bank Standards
income_level Income level of countries according to World Bank Standards
sub_division_name Name of the subdivision of region
sub_division_level Name of sub division level of region
city Name of cities present in data
map_coordinates Latitude and longitude coordinates of city present in data

Data Flow

Scope of Improvement

  • Some of the cities are not in English language, translating it is required.