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Global Trade Alert


Global Trade Alert provides timely information on state interventions taken since November 2008 that are likely to affect foreign commerce. It includes state interventions affecting trade in goods and services, foreign investment and labor force migration.

Global Trade Alert has 3 indicators whose data is stored in the database along with the information related to trade alert. Global Trade Alert is event-based data which is updated sporadically on the website depending on global trade policies.

Source: Global Trade Alert

Tags: Time-series, Risk, Daily



Scrapper gets data from the global trade alert for all the latest alert that has been added to the website and stored them in a raw format.


In Cleaning step, data field name correction and cleaning take place. Timestamp format is changed to standard timeseries timestamp and added to the data.


Region, region code, country code and source are added to the data. Sector tags, domain and subdomain details are added in this step.


In Geocoder step, coordinates are added to the metadata for the countries in the global trade alert data. Geocoder library is used for getting coordinates.


Create and append ts_ref_id to the data to create timeseries and then extract metadata from the series and save data to the s3 bucket.


Metadata and timeseries data are ingested in the mongoDB and latest timestamp id (mongoDB id for latest timestamp) is appended to metadata for decreasing search for latest data point.

Data Format

Timeseries Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
ts_ref_id Id used to connect timeseries data to the metadata.
value Timeseries information stored for global trade alert indicator data.
timestamp standard timestamp used for the timeseries.
### Metadata Attributes
Attributes Descriptions
- -
ts_ref_id Id used to connect metadata to the timeseries
implementing_country Country that is implementing the policy
identifier There are three identifiers in the global trade harmful: alert that has negative impact on countries neutral: alert that has neutral impact on countries liberalizing: alert that has positive impact on countries
affected_countries country that has been impacted due to trade policy
intervention_id id for interventions in the trade policy
title name of the alert
date_of_sampling date on which data is collected
timezone Timezone for the time and date
time_of_sampling time of data collection
country implementing country given on the website
country_code ISO3 alpha-3 code for the country
map_coordinates Latitude and Longitude of the country
region region for a country according to World Bank Standards.
region_code region code for a region according to World Bank Standards
source website from which data is taken from
source_url urls of the sources from which global alert is taken
domain Predefined domain by Taiyo
subdomain Predefined subdomain by Taiyo.
affected_sector HS (version 2012) at the 6-digit levelof the sector that are affected
affected_product CPC (version 2.1) at the 3-digit levelof the product that are affected
sector_tags full name of the sector that are affected
url urls of alert on the global trade alert
latest_timestamp_id mongoDB id for latest timestamp in the timeseries.

Data Flow

The above data pipeline runs on Argo and it will be executed on a periodic frequency.

Taiyo Data Format

Entity Global Trade Alerts
Frequency Event Based
Updated On 24-04-2022 UTC 08:20:00 AM
Coverage 3 indicators data is collected for more than 100 countries.
Uncertainties Data is collected with utmost precision but alert data for some instance may not be stored in database due to data corruption at source.

Scope for Improvement

Following can be improved in the next version of the data product:

· Performance of the scrapper can be improved and data can be stored more efficiently