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Level 1: World, Region, and Countries

Level 1 Spatial Standards are implemented on a Country level for all the Taiyo data products. These standards are adhered globally and can be used as reference for the analysis purposes across data. The standards are maintained with country name, country code, region, region code and income level.

  • Country name: It includes a country’s name and different variations of the name found across data products
  • Country code: It is ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code used for country
  • Country code 2: It is ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code used for country
  • Region: It is used to identify in which region a country is categorized. Regions are following World Bank Standards and are as follows: South Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, North America
  • Region code: It provides abbreviated version of the World bank defined regions
  • Income Levels: It defines which economic income group country belongs to.
  • Polygon boundaries: Polygon boundaries for countries are used for mapping purposes. Polygon boundaries are linked to data using country code(iso 3 alpha 3 code).

Edge case of South Korea:

country_name country_code_2 country_code region region_code income_level
South Korea KR KOR East Asia & Pacific EAS High-Income Economies
Korea (the Republic of) KR KOR East Asia & Pacific EAS High-Income Economies
Korea Rep. KR KOR East Asia & Pacific EAS High-Income Economies
Republic of Korea KR KOR East Asia & Pacific EAS High-Income Economies
The Republic of Korea KR KOR East Asia & Pacific EAS High-Income Economies

This edge case shows the need for standards at the country level as various sources use variations of the same country name. Taiyo standards ensure that uniformity is maintained across all the data products in terms of identifying the country and its region.

Polygon Boundary Table:

Polygon coordinates along with country code provide standards for all the data products for country mapping purposes.

country_code polygon_coordinates
ABW [[[-69.99693762899992, 12.577582098000036], [-...
AFG [[[71.04980228700009, 38.40866445000009], [71....
AGO [[[[11.73751945100014, -16.692577982999836], [...

Level 1 Extended Library

Level 1 Spatial Standards are implemented on a Country level for all the Taiyo data products. These standards are adhered globally and can be used as reference for the analysis purposes across data. The standards are maintained with country name, country code, region, region code and income level.

  • International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (IFS) Codes
  • Global Public Procurement Database
  • CIA Factbook
  • Country Flags API
  • PPP Knowledge Lab
  • National Statistical Agencies