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Risk Ontology

In the wave of thinking from the concepts such as Black Swan and Chaos Theory, resilient systems thrive with greater disorder and idiosyncrasies, fragile systems break under stress. From a mathematical perspective, it is impossible to come up with a probability of a rare (or unseen) small event, especially in the fat tail domain (known as the problem of induction). In Arabic, predictions are called “prophecies”, and indeed, forecasting is like prophesying which has many psychological aspects. Any economic number from oil prices to GDP growth forecasts from most forecasters have been incorrect; however, people still pay attention to it. The methods, results, and applications offered in my earlier research could either end up adding or reducing redundancy to the system, where technology itself should be a domain of risk. There are heuristics and simple solutions that have implications for human judgment thatrequire a system for orchestration of information and knowledge between man andmachine, and vice-versa, “externalities” that our system design aims to shed light on.

The research and development around our data platform aims to improve and standardize large scale data harvesting, transparent benchmarking of model reliability, and data visualization schemas to directly aid decision-making concerning economic, financial, and geopolitical information systems. Inevitably our work also aims to address fundamentally new areas, in human error and cognitive aspects of how decision-makers perceive and act upon new information.

Risk mitigation strategies based on multi-sensor fusion to classify human and machine errors can help avoid catastrophic financial or economic losses induced by human error. Many of these areas of research are inspired by the study of human error in nuclear power plants and defense, aerospace applications of autonomous vehicles, however, the applications to decision-making for large-scale infrastructure projects have not been studied in-depth. Our approach to standards is designed from a data-driven perspective to help build a macro-micro risk register. There are many categories of risks and ever-new risks that are emerging on a daily basis. With an ever expanding catalog of risks the idea is if similar risks are repeated the system can identify and quantify them systematically.


Figure. Static Scehma of Common Definitions of Entities, Risk Domains, Risk Classes, and Planning Horizons

Domain Subdomain
Business and Logistics Dealing with construction permits
Business and Logistics Ease of doing business
Business and Logistics Enforcing contracts
Business and Logistics Getting credit
Business and Logistics Getting electricity
Business and Logistics Logistics Performance Index
Business and Logistics Paying Taxes
Business and Logistics Protecting minority investors
Business and Logistics Registering property
Business and Logistics Resolving insolvency
Business and Logistics Starting a business
Business and Logistics Trading across borders
Climate and Environment Biodiversity & protected areas
Climate and Environment Biological Disaster
Climate and Environment Climatological Disaster
Social and Demography Density & urbanization
Climate and Environment Disaster
Climate and Environment Emissions
Climate and Environment Freshwater
Climate and Environment Geophysical Disaster
Climate and Environment Hazard
Climate and Environment Hydrological Disaster
Climate and Environment Land use
Climate and Environment Meteorological Disaster
Climate and Environment Natural Disaster
Climate and Environment Technological Disaster
Consumer Sentiment Google Trends
Finance Access
Finance Bonds
Finance Capital markets
Finance Central Bank
Finance Commodities
Finance Equity
Finance Financial Development
Finance Foreign Exchange
Finance Macro-Financial
Geopolitics Democracy
Geopolitics Geopolitical Opportunity
Geopolitics Geopolitical Threat
Geopolitics Governance
Macroeconomy BOP and IIP
Macroeconomy Central Bank
Macroeconomy Debt
Macroeconomy Fiscal
Macroeconomy Labor
Macroeconomy Macro-Financial
Macroeconomy National Accounts
Macroeconomy Natural resources contribution to GDP
Macroeconomy Prices
Macroeconomy Statistical Capacity
Macroeconomy Structural
Macroeconomy Trade
Policy & Regulations CPIA
Policy & Regulations Economic Policy Uncertainity
Policy & Regulations Geopolitical Risk Index
Policy & Regulations STRI Indicators
Sector Agriculture
Sector Defense & arms trade
Sector Education
Sector Energy
Sector Health
Sector Industry
Sector Research & Development
Sector Technology
Sector Telecommunications
Sector Tourism and Travel
Sector Transport
Social and Demography Education
Social and Demography Population
Social and Demography Social Protection