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Sector and Sub-Sector Standardization

Another challenge we aim to solve using these techniques is the Sector and Sub-Sector standardization. The data is collected from a comprehensive list of sources. Each source may define its sector and sub-sector conforming to one of the below economic classification standards or creating a new one. A standard needs to be maintained on compilation while identifying these projects and tenders for consistency and uniformity across the platform. Therefore, we aim to make use of keyword extraction and Named Entity Recognition (NER) to transpile the source’s segregations to our own.

Some of the standards we have looked into and studied:

  1. International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)
    • Different update frequencies
  2. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
  3. European Union
  4. Custom-designed or derived
    • WorldBank Projects
    • Asian Development Bank Projects
    • African Development Bank Projects
    • International Financial Corporation Projects
    • InfraPPPWorld
    • Dodge - Data and Analytics

To understand the major findings have a look at this Google Doc here Table. Taiyō Projects and Tenders Common Primary Sector and Subsector Tags

Sector Subsector
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Agribusiness
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Agro-based products
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Crops
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Fisheries
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Forestry
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Herbs and Medicine
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Horticulture
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Irrigation and Drainage
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Livestock
Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Plantations and Orchards
Education Adult, Basic or Continuing Education
Education Cultural, Sports, and Educational Support
Education Primary Education
Education Secondary Education
Education Technical and Vocational Education
Education Workforce Development and Training
Energy and Extractives Construction Aggregate
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Non-renewables - Coal
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Non-renewables - Natural Gas
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Non-renewables - Nuclear
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Non-renewables - Oil
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Biomass
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Hydro
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Solar
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Thermal/Geothermal
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Tidal
Energy and Extractives Electricity Generation - Renewables - Wind
Energy and Extractives Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Energy and Extractives Gas Pipelines and Transport
Energy and Extractives Metal Ores
Energy and Extractives Oil and Gas
Energy and Extractives Power Transmission and Distribution
Energy and Extractives Sand, Stone, Clay and Minerals
Environment Afforestion
Environment Biodiversity Protection
Environment Disastor Relief and Management
Environment Environmental Protection
Environment Infrastructure - Parks and Recreation
Finance Banking Institutions
Finance Capital Markets
Finance Credit lines/Loans
Finance Insurance and Pension
Finance Non-bank Finance
Health Disease Prevention and control
Health Healthcare Equipments
Health Healthcare Services
Health Infrastructure - Hospital Construction & Facility
Health Research and medicine
Health Social Work
Industry and Manufacturing Automobile
Industry and Manufacturing Chemical
Industry and Manufacturing Construction and Infrastructure
Industry and Manufacturing Electronics
Industry and Manufacturing Entertainment & Media
Industry and Manufacturing Food and Beverages
Industry and Manufacturing Hardware Equipment and Machinery
Industry and Manufacturing Hotel & Hospitality
Industry and Manufacturing Mining
Industry and Manufacturing Paper
Industry and Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals
Industry and Manufacturing Real Estate
Industry and Manufacturing Semiconductors
Industry and Manufacturing Textile
Industry and Manufacturing Wood and Furniture
Internet, Communication, and Technology Industrial and Service Robots
Internet, Communication, and Technology Infrastructure - Communication Towers
Internet, Communication, and Technology Infrastructure - Data Centers
Internet, Communication, and Technology Infrastructure - Smart Cities and IoT
Internet, Communication, and Technology Radio and TV broadcasts
Internet, Communication, and Technology Research and Development
Internet, Communication, and Technology Satellite
Internet, Communication, and Technology Technology - Drones
Internet, Communication, and Technology Technology - Electric Vehicles
Internet, Communication, and Technology Telecommunication
Maintenance/Infrastructure Repair and Upgrade
Public Sector Central Government
Public Sector Defense
Public Sector Judiciary
Public Sector Municipal services
Public Sector Programmes, Schemes and Safety measures
Public Sector Public Administration
Public Sector Regulations and Reforms
Public Sector Sub National Government
Social Education and Awareness
Social Infrastructure - Courthouses
Social Infrastructure - Housing
Social Infrastructure - Museums
Social Infrastructure - Other building & Urban Infrastructure
Social Infrastructure - Police, Defence & Fire stations
Social Infrastructure - Stadiums
Social Infrastructure - Student Housing
Social Prison
Social Social Protection
Social Sport and Leisure
Social Street Lighting
Social Urban and Rural Development
Technical Assistance/Other Other
Technical Assistance/Other Technical Assistance
Trade and Services Food and Beverages
Trade and Services IT Services
Trade and Services Maintenance and Repair
Trade and Services Office Administration
Trade and Services Retail
Trade and Services Textile, Apparel and Footware
Trade and Services Tourism and Travel
Trade and Services Wholesale
Trade and Services Wood and Furniture
Transport Aviation/Airports
Transport BRT & Bus
Transport Cable car
Transport Car park
Transport Ports/Harbour/Shipyard
Transport Public Transit
Transport Railways
Transport Roads - Bridges and Tunnels
Transport Roadways
Transport Urban Public Transport
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Desalination
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Fresh Water Collection
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Fresh Water Supply
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Fresh Water Treatment
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Infrastructure - Dams and Reserviours
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Infrastructure - Drainage Pipelines
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Sewage Treatment
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Waste Collection
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Waste Management
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Waste to Energy
Water, Sanitation, And Waste Management Waste Treatment and Disposal