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Status and Stages Standardization

Projects are often broken down into status and stages. A status is something that is relatively straight forward, it is a tag that is to inform you of where a project is generally in the development pipeline. Within those status, we will see many stages, which gives a more accurate explanation of where the product is within the project timeline. More often you should see governments and company set their status and stages set like this 

  • Prospective: in which the project is in the early development phase. Government will often test feasibility of the project, hire consultants, explore finance models, hold hearings, move the project through the government approval process or is approved.  

  • Initial Government Announcement 

  • Project Investigation 

  • Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case

  • Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete

  • Government Approval / Procurement Stage 

  • Active: This is the stage at which active bids are being taken, hence the name of the active phase. This part is where the government has approved of the project but has not chosen a bid/company to carry out the contract.  

  • Successful / Preferred Proponent 

  • Inactive/Closed/Operational: This status means that the project has assigned a company that will carry out the project and/or that construction has begun or has been completed.  

  • Financial Close / Start of Construction 

  • Operations Phase / Construction Complete 

  • Disstreed/Dropped: These are tenders which the project has stalled and or has failed and been dropped by the government. This means the contract has not moved forward or is lost within the system. 

  • Canceled 

  • Disstred 

But we have noted that each government and business runs their status stage differently. For example the US Federal Government ( only has two types of statues, Active (in which the contract is live) and Inactive (the contract has been completed), while offering no stages. While in India ( they will have no status and use mainly stages; Under Conceptualization, Under Development, Under Implementation, Completed. Take Careful consideration when analyzing data from the various data sources.  How you will map such project status and stages will really depend upon the data.

Example of mapping stages to statuses:

  • This is using the process pipeline from the Global Infrastructure Hub (GIHUB) stages for their pipeline projects.

  • They have defined different stages projects:

WorldBank Projects and WorldBank PPI

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case
 - Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
Stage 2 - Tender is open to bid  Active
Stage 3 - Tender Closed / Start of Construction/Completion of Project Closed
Canceled/Distressed  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Canceled/Distressed 

African Development Bank

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1  - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case 
- Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
Stage 2 - Tender is open to bid  Approved
Stage 3 - Tender Closed / Start of Construction/Completion of Project Completion
Canceled/Distressed  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Canceled/Distressed

Etenders India / E-Procurements India

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement To Be Opened Tenders / Opening in Process
Stage 2 - Project Investigation  Technical Bid Opening
Stage 2 - Project Feasibility / Business Case  Technical Evaluation
Stage 3 - Project Feasibility / Business Case Financial Bid Opening
Stage 4 - Financial Analysis and Engineering  Financial Evaluation
Stage 5 - Board Approval
- Construction Begins
AOC / AOC - Accepted
Stage 6 - Construction is completed  Completion
Retender - Tender is being reevaluated or redone Retender 
Canceled/Distressed - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Canceled/Distressed 

Asian Development Bank 

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case 
- Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
Stage 2  - Government Approval / Procurement Stage
- Board Approval
Stage 2 - Tender is open for bid Active
Stage 3 - Tender is closed for bid 
- Construction is on-going
Stage 4 - Construction is now complete  Archived 
Canceled/Distressed  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Dropped/Terminated 

Inter American Development Bank

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case
 - Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
Stage 2  - Tender is open to bid  Implementation
Stage 2 - Tender Closed / Start of Construction/Completion of Project Closed
Canceled/Distressed  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Dropped/Terminated 

Asian Infrastructure Development Bank

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case 
- Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
- Government Approval / Procurement Stage
Stage 2  - Tender is open to bid 
- Tender Closed / Start of Construction
- Completion of Project
Canceled/Terminated  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Dropped/Terminated 

PPP India

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case
 - Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
- Government Approval / Procurement Stage
In-principle approval
Stage 2  - Tender is open to bid 
- Tender Closed / Start of Construction
- Completion of Project
Final approval
- Some data has blank status. Unsure of status. 

 IDB Invest

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation 
- Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case
 - Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
Stage 2  - Government Approval / Procurement Stage
- Board Approval
Stage 2 - Tender is open for bid
- Tender is closed for bid 
- Construction is on-going
Stage 3 - Construction is now complete  Complete 
Hold - The project is on hold Hold
Inactive - Status is not updated or unsure status Inactive
Canceled/Distressed  - Canceled/Inability to Complete  Dropped/Terminated 


Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1  Initial Government Announcement Prospective
Stage 2 Project Investigation  Prospective
Stage 3  Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case  Prospective
Stage 4 Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete|Prospective
Stage 5 Government Approval / Procurement Stage|Prospective
Stage 6 Government Approval / Procurement Stage  Active
Stage 7 Financial Close / Start of Construction|Closed
Stage 8 Operations Phase / Construction Complete Closed
Canceled/Distressed  Canceled Canceled/Distressed 

NIP-IN  (Indian Investment Grid)

Stage  Description Tag
Stage 1 - Initial Government Announcement
- Project Investigation
 - Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case 
Under Conceptualization 
Stage 2  - Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete
- Board Approval
 - Financial Analysis  
Under Development 
Stage 3 - Tender Open
- Tender Closed / Start of Construction
Under Implementation 
Stage 4 - Completion of Project Completed  

Outcome of a Project or a Tender

Some Nations like the United States ( don't have clear outcomes on certain tenders and some nations like India ( instead have list of tenders known as "Stressed Assets," which are projects in delicate position that in extremely risky position but can be salvageable.  

Try to keep note on the outcomes of those projects

How should we map these tenders? 

  1. Is the Tender active or not? 

  2. If the tender is not active is has it been (US Gov will either show tenders as active or inactive) 

  3. Completed/Archived 

  4. The project was seen all the way through and is now in use or is completed.

  5. Canceled 

  6. Project was never completed its goal or was finished. 

  7. If the tender is active, understand where the tender is located within the pipeline. 

  8. Various programs like the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Sam.Gov, PPPIndia, IDB Invest, and other sites have different metrics for standards for their status and stages or may just have one and the other. 

Our Mapping Process : In Order from Start to Finish

  1. Initial Government Announcement

  2. Period typically when the government body is seeking to start the process or is in very early stages of a project. For places like the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank this step where they announce they will be working alongside a project.  For some this may include  project ideas and proposals from clients, partners and other stakeholders and seeks to achieve an appropriate balance among borrowers, sectors, sovereign and non-sovereign projects.

  3. Project Investigation/ Start of a Business Case 

  4. This is to help the government identify and prepare feasible projects. It often involves social and economic analysis, feasibility reports, financial analysis, and aspects of due diligence. For places like the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank this often gives them an ability to look at the capabilities for all the partners involved in the case. 

  5. Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete

  6. Appraisal gives stakeholders an opportunity to review the project design in detail and resolve any outstanding questions. The government and the various bodies like the World Bank, Asian Development Bank will review the work done during the identification and preparation phases and confirm the expected project outcomes, intended beneficiaries and evaluation tools for monitoring progress. Typically at this point, Agreement is reached on the viability of all aspects of the project 

  7. Government Approval / Procurement Stage

  8. This process is also known board approval, this where all parties involved in the project are in agreement.   This is the moment in which the project shifts from being "prospective" to "active" as now the tender mostly likes going to be open to the public for bids. The loan for the financing of the project has been signed and has to meet certain conditions. During this the various bank programs may be undergoing readiness 

  9. Financial Close / Start of Construction

  10. Once the tender has assigned a person or company to carry out the project, the tender is now considered closed.  The project is now under construction. 

  11. Operations Phase / Construction Complete

  12. The project is now fully completed. A completion report to document the implementation experience. These reports are prepared within 12-24 months of the completion of the project and often used as a learning moment. 

How do we make use of the above knowledge to inform understanding?

  • If the source has such labels based outcome evaluation systems, this can be of major importance to identify if the project was closed successfully or not. This also helps us identify the target labels for a project to train ML/DL models with other external data to predict the success rate of the project in a particular year, country, sector and subsector.

  • Hence this makes sense about expanding our non-prospective projects and tender database.

  • The same trained model is used to make predictions for prospective projects.

Why do we do this?

There are a number of reasons for such practices. It makes it easier to streamline the data (this allows us flexibility and adaptability), to give better analysis for future projects (ie risk assessment, future success of said project), and most importantly it allows to give a form of standardization to processes that seriously lack it. You'll see as you go through the various types of tenders that some governments and businesses have different ways to name their sectors and sub-sectors or not even have them at all. This creates confusion and gets those bogged down scrolling through various sites and tenders that have nothing to do with what they are looking for. If my customer is only interested in working within the said sector, i.e. ports and waterways in China, (where the tenders process itself is chaotic) it's a waste of time and resources for the company to dedicate to find the contract they would be best suited at. This also allows a more even playing field as now such tenders are more easily accessible from across the world rather than those players that have great networks with those close to the projects.

Status and Stages Examples

Here the same mapping can have different meaning of status for different source We will use this to create a identified_status field. This part is to be added in standardization script for every source

Project Statuses (These are the 4 major statuses)

Prospective Pipeline Proposed Under Approval Planned
Active Ongoing Approved In Progress
Closed Completed Operational
Canceled Dropped Distressed Canceled On Hold Paused
Not Available nan

Tender Statuses (These are the 4 major statuses)

Active Bidding Announced
Closed Inactive Closed Archived Awarded
Cancelled Cancelled Dropped
Not Available nan

Examples of Mapping by Source

Table. Project Sources Mapping

  • WorldBank Projects
Original Field Name Mapped to
Active status Active
Closed status Closed
Dropped status Cancelled
Pipeline status Prospective
  • WorldBank PPI
Original Field Name Mapped to
Active status Active
Cancelled status Cancelled
Concluded status Closed
Distressed status Cancelled
  • eProcurements India
Original Field Name Mapped to
Active status Active
Closed status Closed
Cancelled status Cancelled
  • Indian Infrastructure Grid - NIP
Original Field Name Mapped to
Under Conceptualization status Prospective
Under Development status Active
Under Implementation status Active
Completed status Closed
  • IFC
Original Field Name Mapped to
Completed status Closed
Active status Active
Pending status Prospective
Hold status Cancelled
Pending Approval status Prospective
Closed status Closed
Status Pending status Prospective
  • Global Infrastructure Hub
Original Field Name Mapped to
Stage 0: Project Information status Prospective
Stage 1: Initial Government Announcement status Prospective
Stage 2: Project Investigation status Prospective
Stage 3: Start of Project Feasibility / Business Case status Prospective
Stage 4: Project Feasibility / Business Case Complete status Prospective
Stage 5: Government Approval / Procurement Stage status Prospective
Stage 6: Successful / Preferred Proponent status Active
Stage 7: Financial Close / Start of Construction status Active
Stage 8: Operations Phase / Construction Complete status Closed
Cancelled status Cancelled
  • African Developement Bank
Original Field Name Mapped to
Implementation status Prospective
Approved status Active
Completion status Closed
Cancelled/Distressed status Cancelled
  • Asian Developement Bank
Original Field Name Mapped to
Proposed status Prospective
Approved status Active
Active status Active
Closed status Closed
Archived status Closed
Dropped/Terminated status Cancelled
  • USA Permits Performance - Projects
Original Field Name Mapped to
Cancelled status Cancelled
Paused status Cancelled
Planned status Prospective
In Progress status Active
Class of Action Changed status Active
Complete status Closed
nan status Not Available

Table. Tender Source Mapping

  • - USA Tenders
Original Field Name Mapped to
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation stage (BaseType)
Presolicitation stage (BaseType)
Solicitation stage (BaseType)
Award Notice stage (BaseType)
Sources Sought stage (BaseType)
Special Notice stage (BaseType)
Justification stage (BaseType)
Justification and Approval (J&A) stage (BaseType)
Modification/Amendment/Cancel stage (BaseType)
Opportunity / Limited Sources Justification stage (BaseType)
Yes status Active
No status Closed
  • OpenTender EU
Original Field Name Mapped to
Announced lot_status Active
Awarded lot_status Closed
Cancelled lot_status Cancelled
Prepared lot_status Active
nan lot_status Not Available
  • Dodge -
Original Field Name Mapped to
Permit lot_status Active
Planning Schematics lot_status Closed
Start lot_status Cancelled
Pre-Design lot_status Active
Bidding lot_status Not Available
Bid Results lot_status Not Available
Abandoned lot_status Not Available
Delayed lot_status Not Available
Construction Documents lot_status Not Available
Design Development lot_status Not Available
Construction lot_status Not Available
GC Bidding lot_status Not Available
Request for Proposals lot_status Not Available
GC Bidding-Invitation lot_status Not Available
Notice of Completion lot_status Not Available
Request for Qualifications lot_status Not Available
Sub Bidding lot_status Not Available
Subcontract Award lot_status Not Available
Pre-Qualification lot_status Not Available
Negotiating lot_status Prospective