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Time Series

Primary Fields Description Notes Additional Comments
aug_id ID generated for unique identification This resembles {source}_{original_id}
original_id ID originally provided by the data source If this ID is not present it is to be generated from the asset name or title
sample_frequency sample frequency of the time_series Valid Values or Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quaterly
Basic Specs
name Name or Title of the time series
description Any descriptive information present about the timeseries Can come from basic description or abstract or development objective. The source may use different synonyms for description We may also keep the similar sounding fields as secondary fields where description if present becomes primary one
units the units of measurement of the timeseries
source Source Abbr.
Links and URLs
url Link to the microsite of the timeseries
Sector/Subsector or Industry Type
domain domain of the data source
subdomain subdomain of the data source
tags Important keywords identified from overall textual content present about the asset Includes both tags for sector and subsector and some other technical keywords
Critical Dates
timestamps start date, end date of the timeseries as a dictionary type
Location Information
country_name The short country name
country_code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes Should not be the official name For eg: Republic of India (this should be converted to India)
region_name According to standards followed by WorldBank
region_code 3 ISO format 3 digit region codes followed by World Bank
location The exact or approx. location May or may not be given by the source
map_coordinates Geographical Coordinates in decimal degree system [ [ latitude, longitude ], ... ] or [] if None If only map coordinates are given then these can reverse geocoded upto city level
state State Name Generated after geocoding
county County/District Name Generated after geocoding
city City Name Generated after geocoding
locality Nearest locality Generated after geocoding
nieghbourhood Generated after geocoding. It may or may not get identified

Additional Comment For State, Country,City, Locality and Neighbourhodd

  • If the location value has multiple places listed in it then only the first one may be recognized in geocoding.
  • If the location is descriptive and covering a larger area or region, for eg. Chambal River Valley then such locations may not be identified or get mislabeled with the one with approximately matching name. In such cases we use the coordinates of the most country, state, county or whatever precise info we can look upto